Week #92 May 9, 2018

Hey hows it going? This week has been pretty good until now.  Sunday is the ward conference and we are going to have activities on almost everyday this week. We are in charge of the activity tonight. And yesterday some members brought a family to the activity and they said they´ll come tonight so we could have some good potential there. Today we went to the temple in the morning and then when we were coming back Elder Gowers (My old comp) called me up and told me they were going to be starting star wars 8 at the mission office in a half an hour so we booked it over there and got to watch star wars 8!!! It was a amazing, im so happy right now, it was a really good pday.

Right now for my studies i am reading 2 chapters from the book of mormon and then i read two chapters from the new testament and then i read a little bit of isaiah.

We asked for bikes because our sector is pretty big and we waste a lot of time sometimes walking places-especially when appointments fall. So we will se what happens. 

I´m trying to keep my emails long but its hard. 
I love the book of mormon i want to read it every date and start a streak like President eyering of 40 years.
Thank you for all that you do, ill see you soon
Love Elder Austin
