Week #96 June 6, 2018
Hey. So the highlight of this week is that we got bikes! We got them last friday and they have helped a lot. We have been able to get places a lot faster and go to farther places where we wouldn't normally get to spend much time. We also save a bunch of money on transportation to go to meetings and stuff like that.
We have also started teaching english and portugues classes. this past weekend were the changes and i am staying in my ward with elder Rei for my last change. All the other companionships in the zone had changes so there are 5 new missionaries to the zone. I am super happy because a lot of people I know came to the zone for this change. We are now living with elder Velez from ecuador and elder benitez from argentina. On Tuesday we had the change meeting and Elder Moore my old companion finished his mission but stayed around because his parents came to pick him up so he was there at the change meeting, but it was weird to see him because he was still there but he wasn't`t a missionary anymore, no plaque just wearing regular cloths.

We have also started teaching english and portugues classes. this past weekend were the changes and i am staying in my ward with elder Rei for my last change. All the other companionships in the zone had changes so there are 5 new missionaries to the zone. I am super happy because a lot of people I know came to the zone for this change. We are now living with elder Velez from ecuador and elder benitez from argentina. On Tuesday we had the change meeting and Elder Moore my old companion finished his mission but stayed around because his parents came to pick him up so he was there at the change meeting, but it was weird to see him because he was still there but he wasn't`t a missionary anymore, no plaque just wearing regular cloths.
No i didn`t watch the devotional by president Nelson but i will try to listen to it sometime.
Im glad everything is going well and i hope they enjoy trek. Hpefully you can figure everthing out with the class schedule this week. Let we know how it goes next week. Thanks for everything Iove you
Love Elder Austin
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