Week #86 March 28, 2018

hey mom 
this past week was pretty good, our investigators are doing pretty good -maria rodriguez was the lady that had to stop smoking and actually last week she said she had stopped but we weren´t able to see her this week to see if she has been able to stick with it. Juan carlos and maria Jose are doing pretty well too but these last few days they have been busy getting ready to move and Saturday they are gone,  we might have one more lesson with them before they go. 

No there is really anything for easter here we will just have general conference on sunday. 

This week is going to be a little weird, tomorrow is el dia del joven combatiente (day of the ...) but any ways we can't go out of the house and so today when pday ends at 7 we have to stay in the house and all of tomorrow, so friday will be a work day and then Saturday and sunday is general conference we will be in the church pretty much the whole day so this week will be pretty short. 

I have been doing really good about not drinking soda i haven´t dranken since like the middle of january so im going on more than 2 months. 

I am really excited for the general conference. every week sundays are always a little more busy or stressful giving classes or talks and worrying about the investigatores. but at general conference we just get to sit and enjoy the talks 

Thanks for everything , have a good week 
Love Elder Austin
