Week #77 January, 24, 2018

I´m glad you guys finally got some snow even though you won´t appreciate it that much. Hahaha its now weird to think that you guys can´t understand spanish. Today we saw the movie Coco, its a new Pixar movie thats about Mexico but it was made very well in spanish so it would be very interesting to see how it is in English. Yes Elder Rodriguez is going to finish the mission this monday so I don´t now exactly what will happen with the changes because I already have 6 months in this ward so maybe they will take me out and put two new missionaries in or I could stay another change. By next week everything will have already happened. This past week we have had a lot of service and also a lot of meetings for elder rodriguez to finish the mission. We have been teaching Livon a lot and his girlfriend was pregnant and his baby was born on monday . They now have to get married but he said that he will go in these day to the government building to look ...