
He's Home! July 17, 2018

Elder Austin got home this past Tuesday.  It was such a great day!  We are so happy to have him home and feel so blessed for his opportunity to serve a mission.  His homecoming is Sunday July 29, 2018 at the red chapel on Timpview drive (4056 Timpview Drive).  There will be food after at his house.  Thank you for all your support of Nathan these past two years! Nathan's Uncle made an amazing video at the airport of him coming home.

Week #101 July 11, 2018

Hi On monday  we had a mission conference and all the missionaries that are going had the chance to give there final testimonies. Yesterday I had my last interview with Presidente Gwilliam. Today I am saying goodbye to people from my old wards and on Friday  we have a temple trip with our group and with president and sister Gwilliam. So pretty much there are exciting things happening almost every single day until i get back.  I have been very happy for the time I have had at the mission chile santiago sur. This past week I have had the chance to reflect a lot about my progress on the mission and how I have changed. I am so happy i got to come to this mission, i think sometimes i questioned why I come to santiago south -a tiny some what ugly mission. It seemed like the opposite of me but with time i think I came to understand that i was with the people i needed to be with. I also was able to develop and strengthen my testimony of the truthfulness of this work and ...

Week #100 July 4, 2018

Hi hows it going! Well this is the 2nd to last time that i will be writing you so lets hope that it is a good one. Getting close finishing the mission is a very weird feeling. I keep going back and forth between happy to go home and sad to leave. It pretty much depends what is happening when we have good lessons or cool things are happening i am sad to go but when people are dumb and annoying i am happy to being close to going home. Its also kind of stressing too because there are somethings that i need to do before i go that i haven´t done.  On friday  we have a self sufficiency class with all the people that are going home.  On monday  we are going to have a mission conference where we give our last testimonies.  on tuesday  i have my final interview with president Gwilliam. and then my last pday i am going to go say goodbye to people in my wards and  on friday  we have a temple trip with president gwilliam. I have been really excited for th...

Week #99 June 27, 2018

hi  This past week was a pretty good week. On sunday we had the open chapel and it turned out alright. This week we are going to spend a lot of time contacting all the references we got from it.  Flor and ricardo are doing good but they haven´t attended church so they won´t be able to get baptized before I go. Yesterday we taught them and had a really cool lesson about the word of wisdom. On friday i was on divisions with Elder Albuquerque from brazil and we had a really good lesson with our haitians stevenson and joel. Elder Albuqueque speaks good creole so he taught pretty much everything. It was fun they got to get all their questions out about all the stuff they weren´t understanding about the book of mormon. On monday I had divisions with elder Salas from peru in there sector Balmaceda and there is a lot of haitians there so it was a lot of fun teaching them all.  Today we had a good pday, watched star wars 3, at papa johns and watched the brazil world cup game...

Week #98 June 201, 2018

Hey mom.  After the bike ride last week I was sore but not as sore as I was expecting.  Well sounds like you have done some fun activities in my honor in St George.   This week was very good and I was very happy but then almost none of our investigators went to church  on sunday  so that was a little disappointing- but we´ll get them this sunday.  Today was a very fun pday, we played paintball and we went with several people from my group and with our companions and we were on one team and our companions were on another- so we got to beat up on our comps.  On sunday  we are going to have an open chapel in our ward so hopefully it turns out well.  sorry i can´t write to much today, i am already running out of time but thanks for all the birthday wishes i love you. and i will be seeing you soon.  Love Elder Austin

Week #97 June13,2018

Hey mom, They bikes have been great but it rained several days this past week and we can´t use the bikes during the rain. But today we really took advantage of the bikes, for pday we rode our bikes around the entire mission-we went like 22 1/2 miles and it took 3 hours but it was a lot of fun. We were trying recording some of it but the videos didn´t come out to well. I´m going to attach a picture of google maps so you can see our route. My legs are going to hurt tomorrow though.  This past week we had stake conference and it was pouring so no investigators came to church but we do have a couple investigators we are excited for. The first are Ricardo y Flor who are a couple that we got through a member reference and this past week accepted a baptismal date for  july 14th  which is my last week so I hope everything works out.  This past week it snowed in a lot of parts in Santiago but the snow did not make it to our mission. On Thursdays I teach the English ...